A Wednesday in CDMX

Writing group just ended and I'm starving. Should I try something new to eat or will it just be more tacos off the street? Should I eat first or...no...We all know Mexican food is better after smoking a joint. I should roll a joint, then see what I want to eat, perhaps my tastebuds will have evolved.
Writing group went well tonight. I heard some interesting pieces. The caffeine had my heart racing a bit, but the weed will solve that. The story I wrote wasn't remarkable, but the practice is what's important. Showing up and getting words writt...shit the Ecobici I got is one of the bad ones. How am I 2/2 on bad bikes tonight? This is worse than walking.
Should I park this one, wait 2 minutes, then choose another bike? Or should I just power home peddling like my life depends on it to go 10kmh? Hmmm 10 minutes home struggling, or 5 minutes (also struggling) to the closest station, wait 2 minutes, then 6 minutes home after that. I think I can make it.
Yes! Made it... joint here I come. I wonder if the Dodgers won tonight. I don't really care, but as an American, I feel like I should know. Damn speaking of America, I feel guilty I didn't get a ballot to vote. Even if I'm no longer living there I should care what happens huh? Damn this weed is strong...
Let's see if the Yankees won. I have some friends from New York I wanna talk shit to. Smoking before eating was a great idea. Forget tacos, this is a Chicken Katsu type of night.
Now the question is whether I go get it or get it delivered. Obviously delivery is the only choice. I'm watching a baseball game I care nothing about to stay relevant in a country I no longer live in. Plus I need to sit here and think more about this election I can't vote in. Tonight the second prompt was "strange traditions." Damn I should've wrote about America's favorite pastime, pretending to care.
Chicken Katsu's here! Let's eat! Shit baseball is long. The game started before writing group! I wrote, read, listened, slowly biked, smoked, and ate. Somehow it's still the 7th inning. I see why people don't watch this shit.
What time is it? Ooo it's only 10:30, there's plenty of night left. I could do a short workout...I was lazy today...Orrrr I could shower and lay down...fine I swear tomorrow morning I'll run extra. Before I shower though, let's see if there's anything sweet in here.