Everything Matters is a print & digital publishing house established in 2024 by yo & wwmairs. Due to the fact that everything matters, we find publishing words and images to be an urgent task.

vol. 1 Hauntings

vol. 1 Hauntings


8.25” x 5.25”
68 pages
edition of 300

NEW RELEASE: the first volume of our print magazine, EVERYTHING MATTERS, in which we have collected some poetry, prose, and images on the topic of HAUNTINGS.

we've been hard at work getting this humble little mag all printed and bound and are deeply excited to share it all with you.

vol. 1 features work by Alex Raycroft, Audrey Larson, Chelsie Cocjin, Hope Tan, Jingtian Zong, Joyce Lanxin Zhao, Maddy Nave, Mica England, Roy Magat, Sophia Sun, and Xiao Guo.